Innovation Name : Bus Pass Validation System | ||
S.No | Name | USN |
1 | Naveed | 3BR20CS155 |
2 | Utkarsh | 3BR20CS173 |
3 | Suhail | 3BR20CS163 |
4 | Dikhlesh | 3BR20EC048 |
5 | Mohammed Ali | 3BR21CS406 |
Problem Statement
The existing bus pass validation system relies on manual ticket checking, which is time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. To address these issues, it is required to develop a card reader system on buses to instantly verify the validity of Student Bus Passes by integrating with a centralized database, enabling visual indications for bus staff and generating notifications for invalid passes.
- The system consists of various electronic components like ESP-8266, 16x2 I2C display, breadboard, RFID reader, RFID Cards and tags.
- If the student pass is invalid or doesn’t have enough balance, then the message will be sent to the respective bus driver and the parent of the student regarding insufficient balance.
- If the student pass is valid and have enough balance, then the student name and balance is displayed on the display and the SMS is sent to their parent mobile number about boarding the college bus and the timing of the boarding.
- The system can be implemented at bus entry gate.
- When the student boards the bus, he/she should tap his/her card on the RFID reader.
Garbage Separation
- The system consists of Arduino UNO, Moisture sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, IT sensor, 16x2 I2C display, Servo motor.
- The device will detect the garbage and check for the type of garbage(dry/wet) and put them in the respective(dry/wet) dustbin.

Smart Parking System
- The system consists of Arduino UNO, 16x2 I2C display, IR sensors, Servo motor, breadboard.
- At the entry of the parking area the vehicle is detected and the gate is opened if the parking slots are vacant.
- After every vehicle entry and exit if the vehicle the availability of number of parking slots are displayed on the display at the entry gate.
Prototype Images