Innovation Name : Smart City
S.No Name USN
1 Naveed 3BR20CS155
2 Utkarsh 3BR20CS173
3 Suhail 3BR20CS163
4 Dikhlesh 3BR20EC048
5 Jai Vishwakarma 3BR20EC070

Problem Statement

A smart IoT based home automation system, smart parking system and garbage separation to efficiently manage traditional home appliances, improving convenience, energy efficiency, and daily routines for people.


Home Automation System:

  • The system consists of various electronic components like ESP-32, Relay module, DHT-11, 16x2 I2C display, breadboard, etc.
  • All the connections are made to work properly as per the requirement.
  • All the appliances are controlled by using Blynk App.

Garbage Separation

  • The system consists of Arduino UNO, Moisture sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, IT sensor, 16x2 I2C display, Servo motor.
  • The device will detect the garbage and check for the type of garbage(dry/wet) and put them in the respective(dry/wet) dustbin.

Smart Parking System

  • The system consists of Arduino UNO, 16x2 I2C display, IR sensors, Servo motor, breadboard.
  • At the entry of the parking area the vehicle is detected and the gate is opened if the parking slots are vacant.
  • After every vehicle entry and exit if the vehicle the availability of number of parking slots are displayed on the display at the entry gate.

Prototype Images