- Promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campus
- To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bounded fashion.
- Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
- Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
- Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
- Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution faculties and students.
- Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc., with the involvement of industries.
- To coordinate with MHRD innovation cell and responsible for all the IIC activities in the institute.
- Identifying, handholding and guiding potential/early-stage entrepreneurs, student innovators at the Institute on regular basis.
- To build and strengthen the in-house mentor pool and human resource capacity to drive campus Innovation & Entrepreneurship activities.
- To ensure Institution participation in IIC calendar activity and take lead in the institution driven activities (own initiatives). To Develop a critical mass of motivated students & faculties with creative potential, and Entrepreneurial orientation & skill set.
- Commercialization of innovations through technology transfer, technology licensing and Startups, etc.
- To build infrastructure support and facilities to promote innovation and enabling environment of easy access to resources within and outside the institute.
- To strengthen the intra and inter-institutional partnership and collaboration with ecosystem at different level and co-creation of new program interventions
Institution Innovation Council Members
SN | Name of the Staff | Designation | Assign Roles | E-mail ID |
1 | Dr. Raghavendra Paccharalli |
Asso. Prof. EEE | President | |
2 | Dr. Kasi Vishwanath A | Prof. of Practice | R&D | |
3 | Dr. Devappa Girish Kumar | Prof. & Hod, MCA | Vice President | |
4 | Mr. Vishnukanth Karwa | Asst. Prof. – ECE | Social Media | |
5 | Mr. Kannaiah Shekar | Asst. Prof. - ME | Innovation Activity | |
6 | Dr. Renuka Sagar | Prof. – AIML | AARIA | |
7 | Mr. Sham Ramachandrasa | Asst. Prof. - MBA | Internship Activity Coordinator | |
8 | Dr. Naseeruddin | Asso. Prof. - ECE | IPR Activity Coordinator | |
9 | Mr. Mallikarjuna A | Asst. Prof. - ECE | Start-up Activity Coordinator | |
10 | Mr. Y J Prithviraj Bhupal | Asst. Prof. - CSE | NIRF Coordinator | |
11 | Dr. K. Gopala Krishna | Principal-Mech. | From Mentor institute | |
12 | Dr. Asundi Abdul Khadar | Asso. Prof. - EEE | Member | |
13 | Dr. Banakara Nagaraj | Asso. Prof. - ME | Member | |
14 | Dr. Syed Shahida Banu | Prof. - MBA | Member | |
15 | Dr. Sunil Kumar | Asst. Prof. - Physics | Member | |
16 | Mr. Tanu Hyalyadamath | Asst. Prof. - Civil | Member | |