Students are expected to adhere to and practice the Code of Ethics on a National/State/District and college level and while representing the same.

  • Representation

    Every student is expected to represent him or herself honestly and respectfully in all situations, whether orally or in written statements. Honest and respectful representation includes, but is not limited to, providing only truthful material information on all applications, financial aid forms, waivers, and any other official document. Students are also expected to behave respectfully to all administrators, faculty, staff, students, and visitors in a college environment and to behave respectfully when representing the colleges at off-campus events. Students will not consciously misrepresent him or herself to any member of the community or to any other person.

  • Academic Honesty

    Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Work that is not of the student's own creation will receive no credit. If a student is uncertain of what these standards are, he or she may consult his or her instructor for appropriate mentor/proctor, but a student's ignorance is no legitimate defence for academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes lying, cheating, stealing, and using unauthorized materials on any assignment, quiz or exam. The act of lying is to intentionally provide false information or a false statement with the purpose of misleading or with irresponsible regard of the truth. Lying, in both academic and non-academic activities, is impermissible. Cheating is acting dishonestly in order to gain an unfair advantage. Cheating includes giving or receiving unauthorized aid on any assignment, quiz, or exam. Faculty members must be consulted regarding which materials are acceptable for students to use on any assignment, quiz, or exam. Not complying with the restrictions of the faculty will result in appropriate discipline, as decided by the instructor or department. Cheating also includes using the same material of work previously used for another course unless the student has permission from the instructor to do so. Cheating furthermore includes plagiarism, which is when a student uses the ideas of another and declares it as his or her own. Students are required to properly cite the original source of the ideas and information used in his or her work. • Stealing is the act of taking without permission and without intention to return. The prohibition of stealing includes property of any nature as well as academic work.

  • Respect for National/State/District/College Rules and Regulations

    Students are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations set at/by the National/State/District/College. • College Property: Graffiti and defacement of school property is unacceptable and a violation of District Rule and Regulation. Students shall be responsible for the costs of the damage’s resultant from their behaviour. In order to ensure that the campus facilities remain in pristine condition, students are also expected to report instances of graffiti or defacement/damage of college property immediately as well as consciously account for or dispose properly of their belongings. • Illegal Substances & Betting: The use of illegal drugs and alcohol & Involved in any kind of betting is not permitted on college property as well as the abuse or misuse of prescription drugs. • Sexual Assault and Harassment: Students shall refrain from using language or acting in a manner that is disrespectful or inappropriate towards other students and members of the college community. Sexual assault and harassment is inexcusable and shall result in disciplinary action in accordance with the college policy.

  • Usage of Mobile Phones

    Students are prohibited in using mobile phones in the class and during any other academic activity. Usage will result in confiscation and seizure of mobile phone.

  • Display of ID Card

    Students should compulsorily wear College ID-Card and should be visible, any violation will result in heavy penalty and non-permissible in the college campus.

  • Respect for the Open Exchange of Ideas

    Students shall be guaranteed that their Freedom of Speech will be observed by all college members, including other students. Students are encouraged to engage others in thoughtful and meaningful dialogue while refraining from acting or using language with malicious intent that damages/hurts National/State/District/College name and fame.

  • Classroom Conduct

    Students must behave respectfully toward their peers and teaching and non teaching faculty members. In the classroom setting, students may not interrupt their classmates or faculty members, make fun of them or their expressed views, or disrupt the learning environment. It is important to maintain the best learning environment for all students and faculty members.

Code Of Conduct For Students

  • The college gives utmost priority for discipline and everyone, student or staff, is bound to follow the Rules and Regulations of the College and maintain strict discipline.
  • Students are expected to use courteous and polite language with members of the staff and maintain decorum in the campus and outside. They are expected to conduct themselves in such a way, so as to bring a good name for the college wherever they are.
  • The college will work from 9.00 am to 4.15 pm.
  • Wearing Student ID Cards on the Campus is compulsory.
  • Under disciplinary action, the Director / Deputy Director / Principal / Vice-Principal is empowered to fine, suspend or even expel a student from the college in the interests of the institution.
  • Students are not permitted to possess or use Mobile Phones inside the college campus.
  • Browsing Is Not Allowed During Lab Hours. Staff and students are not allowed to misuse the internet facilities.
  • No one will be allowed to listen to Music from any device inside the college campus.
  • Every Student shall conduct himself / herself in such a way to cause no disturbance to the working of the classes or to fellow students.
  • Ragging, consuming Alcohol And Smoking Are Strictly Prohibited In The Hostel And College Campus.
  • Students should be seated in the lecture halls 5 minutes before the commencement of the class.
  • Students should maintain perfect order and strict silence inside the lecture / drawing halls/ labs/ workshop at all times.
  • Movement outside the classroom in between lectures should be minimum and for valid reasons only.
  • No function shall be arranged by the students in the hostel or college campus without prior permission from the Director / Deputy Director / Principal / Vice-Principal.
  • Students are not allowed to exchange greeting cards, photographs, gift articles or letters, with Students of opposite sex.
  • Writing on walls, pillars, bath rooms, furniture or black boards is strictly prohibited.
  • Eating snacks / taking lunch along corridors are not permitted.
  • The cost of any damage, if caused to college property will be charged to the accounts of the students responsible for the damage in addition to disciplinary action.
  • Students are advised to switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms.
  • Furniture in the class rooms should not be moved or displaced.
  • Students are not allowed to attend classes or any college function wearing shorts, dhotis, etc.
  • No one will be allowed to whistle, hoot, shout or sing aloud while travelling in the bus. They are also not allowed to throw papers or other articles while travelling.
  • No students shall remain in the hostel during class – hours unless he / she is sick and is permitted to be on leave.
  • Students have to take without fail all the necessary items such as hall ticket, admit card, pen, pencil, calculator, Scale, rubber, etc., to the test / exam hall.
  • Students will have to sit through the entire period scheduled for the internal tests and university examinations.
  • In the event of continued poor performance in internal tests and poor class attendance by any student, the Principal / Vice-Principal has the authority to withhold permission for him/her to write the university examinations, as per the University Norms.
  • Parents and visitors are permitted to meet their children/wards only after the college working hours and after taking permission from the Principal.
  • Pragathi Krishna Gramin Bank, has been providing banking facilities at the college for the benefit of staff and students. All students are advised to open a savings account in the bank. The parents are advised to carry out all the financial transactions to their wards directly through the savings accounts / DDs only.

Academic Standards

Students should attend all tests and show good academic progress.

Absenting from regular classes will be strictly viewed and absenteeism in the test will be viewed with at most sternness.

Regularity in writing the test and satisfactory performance of students in test are essential to permit the students to appear for the University examinations at the end of the year.

Any student found indulging in malpractice in the I.A. Test / Model exams / University exams will be debarred from appearing for the rest of the examinations.

All students should wear clean and appropriate dress. Gentleman should wear trousers with shirts neatly tucked in. They are expected to wear shoes. Ladies should wear churidars. Half sarees, midis are prohibited in the campus.

All students should wear the appropriate uniforms that are stipulated while attending the practical and workshop classes.

Attendance Requirement

A minimum of 85% attendance is expected, in each semester, necessarily to enable a student perform better in the University examination.

Students who absent themselves without permission will be deemed to have been absent for 2 days. Continuous absence from class on medical grounds will be permitted only on production of medical certificate and letter from parent


  • The student should maintain discipline in the library, eatables, discussion in groups & napping is not allowed.
  • Personal belongings are not allowed inside the library.
  • Every staff / student of the college is eligible for membership of the Library
  • The Library can be utilized by the students and staff from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. on working days.
  • All students should sign the entry register of the Library, before entering.
  • The book borrowing limit is 10 for faculty and 3 for non-teaching staff.
  • For students; The Library has a unique scheme of Book Bank, which will provide a set of Books Prescribed by the VTU for the entire course for all students.
  • The concerned student should be present for issuing & receiving of the books.
  • Issue of books is subject to availability.
  • Principal is empowered to increase additional issue of books to whomever he feels necessary.
  • Books are to be handled very carefully. If a book is lost by the student, he/she shall replace the book (same title, author and edition) or shall pay double the cost of the book as fine.
  • Members before leaving the issue counter must satisfy themselves as to whether the books which they intend to borrow are in good condition and any damage should be immediately.
  • Reported to the Librarian or library staff, failing which the member to whom the book was issued will be held responsible.
  • Members are not permitted to underline, write in, folding / tearing of pages or defaced books in any way whatsoever.
  • The borrowed book should be returned on or before due date, If not, overdue charge of Rs.5. per day for students will be collected.
  • If the due date falls on holidays, return can be done on the following working day without fine.
  • Misbehaviour in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and serious disciplinary action.
  • The members will be responsible for any loss or non-return of books issued.
  • All final year students should return their library books based on library circular and obtain NO DUE CERTIFICATE from the library.
  • Similarly, the staff members who intend to leave the college should settle all the dues and obtain NO DUE CERTIFICATE from the library.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to recall the issued books at any time in case of emergency.

  • Access to the Internet is a privilege, not a right.
  • Students should enter the log-in and log-out time in the log note without fail.
  • Students must produce Identity Card when demanded, to utilize the lab resources.
  • Students are not allowed to download pictures, music, videos or files without the permission of a staff, other than academic contents.
  • Log-on with your username and password for your use only. Never share your username and password.
  • Food or drinks are not allowed to bring inside the computer lab.
  • Do not install software’s without permission.
  • Do not remove or disconnect parts, cables, or labels.
  • Usage of storage devices (CD, DVD, Pen Drive, External HDD, etc.) is prohibited.
  • Site includes chat rooms, instant messaging (IM), social and adult sites are strictly prohibited.
  • No Internet/Intranet gaming activities allowed.
  • Do not personalize the computer settings. (This includes desktop, screen saver, etc.)
  • Ask permission to print.
  • Maintain silence inside the lab.
  • Log-off - leave the computer ready for the next person to use. Pick-up your materials and push in the chair.

  • The faculty members must be punctual to duty;
  • He / She shall stay within the campus during the working hours of the College;
  • The faculty members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and co-operative manner;
  • The faculty shall not indulge in rude or abusive behavior, comment against superiors, make negative comments about other staff members, verbal attacks, which are of a personal,
  • threatening, abusive and irrelevant nature or go beyond fair and professional conduct
  • Take precautions to protect equipment, materials, and facilities of the college;
  • They are required to confirm to & follow the rules & regulations in force and brought in force from time to time;
  • He / She shall not engage/take private tuitions; if He / She shall wear a decent and formal dress;
  • He / She shall not accept/proceed to undertake any duties/works outside the college without prior approval of the authorities concerned namely HOD, Principal & Management.
  • The staff shall maintain confidentiality. They shall not give or pass any information to any inside/outside persons, unless and until the employee has been authorized to do so
  • The staff shall desist from getting involved in un-authorized activities with personal financial benefit / interest
  • The staff shall desist from participating in professional or personal behaviors that jeopardize the moral standards of the institution;
  • The staff members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, cooperative and ethical manner;
  • The staff shall comply with rules, regulations, and policies of Management from time to time.

  • He / She shall discharge the responsibilities assigned in teaching/research/consultancy and administrative diligently in an honest and unbiased manner with total commitment;
  • Attend and participate in the meetings, activities called/assigned by the HOD, Dean, Coordinators, Vice Principal, Principal, and Management;
  • To take up other duties and responsibilities prescribed by the Principal / Management not limited to Academic and Evaluation duties;
  • To undertake Research / Consultancy Activities constantly in addition to teaching particularly at the level of Professor and Associate Professor.
  • He / She shall finish the evaluation work of Continuous internal evaluation (CIE) and Semester End Examinations (SEE) assigned by the university on priority without causing any
  • inconvenience to the evaluation process.
  • Whenever a faculty is deputed/permitted to take up an assignment outside the college, the concerned should submit proof of attendance and the same should be recorded in the
  • department.
  • To be available for the students even after class hours to clarify their doubts, if any
  • To treat students with respect, and teach them to treat others with respect
  • To come well prepared for the class and stay focused on the topic/content;
  • Be present in the classroom right in time near the classroom five minutes prior to the scheduled commencement
  • To maintain the record of lesson plans and other relevant documents of the courses handled by them;
  • To implement a designated curriculum with the said objectives
  • Shall not pre-pone, post-pone, and let-off or suspend a scheduled class without authorization from the concerned HOD/Principal
  • Shall handle the assigned practical classes and be available in the designated place for the full time
  • To evaluate the test answer books within the stipulated time of academic calendar and make the scheme of evaluation transparent
  • Involve visual and activity-based learning wherever possible, make PowerPoint presentations (PPT) in addition to the conventional use of blackboard depending on the subject & necessity
  • As a proctor, the faculty shall advise/counsel the student on all the academic matters (like registration/reregistration for the courses, dropping of courses and / or withdrawing from courses)


This Handbook on Human Values and Professional Ethics, is a guide for all the Students and Employees of the Institution in the larger interest of the development of the society and developing each and every individual necessary values and ethics for life long development. This is applicable for the below stakeholders.

  • Students
  • Principal
  • Teaching & Non-Teaching staff
  • Governing Body

About the institution

Ballari Institute of Technology & Management was established in the year 1997 under the AEGIS of T.E.H.R.D. Trust® - Ballari. The institution provides state of the art facilities, and has experience and qualified staff. Institution is an ISO: 9001:2015 certified and NAAC & NBA Accredited.


To contribute valuable graduates for industry and society through excellence in technical & management education and research.


  • To offer state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes.
  • To empower the students with Technical, Managerial Skills and professional ethics.
  • To collaborate with academia and industries for skill development.

Human values

Human values in a single word believes that the entire world is one family. It is a principle that promotes well-being or prevents harm. Teachings and practices need and judgement of fulfilling individuals need in society. Human values can be assured of happy and harmonious human society.

Types of values: The six core human values are:

  • Right conduct
  • Peace
  • Truth
  • Love
  • Nonviolence
  • Discipline

Right Conduct

  • Self-Help Skills: Caring of possessions, diet, hygiene, modesty, posture, self-reliance and tidy appearance.
  • Social Skills: Good behavior, good manners, good relationships, helpfulness, zero wastage and good environment.
  • Ethical Skills: Code of conduct, courage, dependability, duty, efficiency, ingenuity, initiative, perseverance, punctuality, resourcefulness, respect for all, and responsibility.
  • Ownership: Ownership of a work


Attention, calmness, concentration, contentment, dignity, discipline, equality, equanimity, faithfulness, focus, gratitude, happiness, harmony, humility, inner silence, optimism, patience, reflection, satisfaction, self - acceptance, self - confidence, self - control, self - discipline, self-esteem, self - respect, sense of control, tolerance, and understanding.


Accuracy, curiosity, discernment, fairness, fearlessness, honesty, integrity (unity of thought, word, and deed), intuition, justice, optimism, knowledge, reason, self-analysis, sincerity, spirit of enquiry, synthesis, trust and determination.


Acceptance, affection, care, compassion, consideration, dedication, devotion, empathy, forbearance, forgiveness, friendship, generosity, gentleness, humanness, interdependence, kindness, patience, patriotism, reverence, sacrifice, selflessness, service, sharing, sympathy, thoughtfulness, tolerance and trust.

Non Violence

  • Psychological: Benevolence, compassion, concern for others, consideration, forbearance, forgiveness, manners, happiness, loyalty, morality, and universal love.
  • Social: Appreciation of other cultures and religions, brotherhood, care of environment, citizenship, equality, harmlessness, national awareness, perseverance, respect for property, and social justice.


Ethics is a word that refers to morals, values, and beliefs of the individuals, family or the society. The study on ethics helps to understand the people’s beliefs, values, and morals, learn the good and bad of them and practice them to maximize their well-being and happiness. It involves the inquiry of existing situations, form judgments and resolve issues. In addition, ethics tells us how to live, respond to issues, perform our duties, rights, responsibilities, and obligations. Professional Ethics


Integrity is defined as the unity of thought, word, and deed (honesty) and open-mindedness. It includes the capacity to communicate the factual information so that others can make well-informed decisions. It yields the person’s peace of mind, and hence adds strength and consistency in character, decisions, and actions. This paves way to one’s success. It is one of the self-direction virtues. It enthuses people not only to execute a job well but to achieve excellence in performance. It helps them to own the responsibility and earn self-respect and recognition by doing the job. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to uphold oneself to consistently moral and ethical standards.

Credibility& Responsibility

The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for the demand to disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property.


Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause. Philosophers disagree on what can be an object of loyalty as some argue that loyalty is strictly interpersonal and only other human beings can be the object of loyalty.


Commitment means alignment to goals and adherence to ethical principles during the activities. One should have the conviction without an iota of doubt that one will succeed. Holding sustained interest and firmness, in whatever ethical means one follows, with the fervent attitude and hope that one will achieve the goals, is commitment. It is the driving force to realize success. This is a basic requirement for any profession. The commitment of top management will naturally lead to committed employees, whatever may be their position or emoluments. This is bound to add wealth to oneself, one’s employer, society, and the nation at large. Target oriented efforts are put to reap efficiency.


It is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that inheres in, or characterizes a person. They are complex and an acquired state through experiences. Attitudes is the most distinctive and indispensable concept in present day. Attitude can be formed from a person's past and present. Key topics in the study of attitudes include attitude measurement, attitude change, consumer behavior, and attitude-behavior relationships. Positive attitude people are most successful in their life. One should develop such attitude which provides synergy and satisfaction in their day to day life. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) characterizes faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness and good common sense.

Valuing Time

Time is rare resource. Once it is spent, it is lost forever. It cannot be either stored or recovered. Hence, time is the most perishable and most valuable resource too. This resource is continuously spent, whether any decision or action is taken or not. The history of great reformers and innovators have stressed the importance of time and valuing time. The proverbs, Time and tide wait for nobody and Procrastination is the thief of time. Time management is the key to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.


Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or compelling desire for completion of the work. Passion defines performance enhancing aspects and work enjoyment. When an individual is passionate about their occupation they tend to work more resulting in more work satisfaction.

Identifying one’s role in larger picture

Cultivating the skill of big picture thinking is important. When one maintains big picture it allows one to Lead, keeps one on target, promotes teamwork, gain insight from different people and makes one ready for the change.