Service Rules
These rules pertain to service conditions and will be applicable to all the employees (teaching/ non-teaching / Administrative staff) of the Institute and come into effect from the date of the Notification.
- Governing Body means the Governing Council of the Ballari Institute of Technology & Management; Ballari is the body constitute as prescribed by AICTE/ VTU / State Government.
- “Policies” means the Policies of the Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari.
- “Institute” means the Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari.
- “Chairman” means the Chairman of the Council.
- “Director” means the Director of the Institute.
- “Deputy Director” means the Deputy Director of the Institute.
- “Principal” means the Principal of the Institute.
- “Rules” means the Rules of Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari.
- “Trust” means the Trust by the name of Tungabhadra Education Health & Rural Development Trust(R), Ballari managing Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari.
Executive / Academic Council
- This Committee is constituted with Chairman of Governing Body as Chairman, Managing Trustee / Trustee as the Member, Senior Professors as the Members and Principal as the Member Secretary.
Cadres Of Staff
Academic and Administrative
- Director / Principal
- Vice-Principal
Teaching Staff: The Teaching Staff comprise of the following categories
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Teaching Assistant
Technical Supporting Staff:
- Workshop Superintendent
- Supervisor / Foreman
- System Administrator
- Computer Programmer
- Lab Instructor
- Mechanic
- Lab Attendant
- Workshop Attendant
- Physical Education Director
- Librarian
- Asst. Librarian
- Library Asst.
- Such other technical staff as may be decided by the Council.
Administrative Staff
- Administrative Officer
- Registrar
- Office Superintendent
- Accounts Officer
- Estate Officer/ Site Engineer
- Section Officers
- Accountants / Accounts Assts.
- Receptionist/ Steno
- Office Assistants / Typists
- Clerks
- Attenders
- Drivers
- Such other administrative staff as may be decided by the Council.
Cadre Strength
The Cadre Strength (i.e., No. of posts in each cadre) shall be as per the AICTE / VTU requirement duly approve d by the Governing Body from time to time.
Qualification & Experience
Qualifications required for the various academic / administrative posts shall be such as may, from time to time, be laid down by the All India Council for Technical Education / the University to which the Institute is affiliated.
Method Of Selection
Candidates to fill the posts shall be selected by one of the following methods as decided by the Selection Committee. The same will be ratified in the Governing Council.
i) Direct Recruitment by open advertisement.
The Principal / Vice-Principal / HODs / AO examine the credentials of all persons, who have applied for a particular post(s) in the light of the requirement for the post(s) as given in the relevant advertisements and shall shortlist the names of candidates qualified to be called for interview. The interview followed by subject demonstration, experience, communication ability, as selected by the Selection Committee, consists of
- Director / Principal
- One local expert (two experts in case of Professor/Head of the Department)
- Head of the Department concerned.
- University nominee
ii) Promotions from amongst the existing staff.
There shall be a Selection Committee for filling various posts, other than those on which appointments are to be made through promotion or on contract basis and the same will be constituted in the manner laid down below.
Academic Posts
- Chairman
- Director / Principal
- Nominee of the affiliating University on the Council
- Two experts in the case of appointment to the posts of Professor and Asst. Professor
- Head of Department concerned, if the post for which the appointments is to be made is lower in status than held by the Head of the Department.
Nature Of Appointment
Appointments shall be categorized as follows:
i) Ad-hoc / Probationary appointment / Part time
Subject to the provisions of the Rules and policies, all appointments to posts under the Institute shall ordinarily be made on probation for a period of one year and to meet the exigencies of work as procedures for regular appointment take time.
ii) Regular appointment
These appointments are made by regular selection, regularizing the probationary appointment, based on the performance.
iii) Contract appointment
Teachers of repute or expertise can be appointed on a contract basis for a particular period either for teaching / establishment of Laboratories / administration/ & setting up standards/ any other specific work.
Selection Procedure: selection Authority:
Ad-hoc appoints& Regular appointments or selection by | : | Director/ Deputy Director /Principal & ratified by the Governing Council. |
promotion of Non-Teaching Staff, & contract | ||
appointments. | ||
Regular appointments of Teaching Staff | : | As above |
Selection by promotion from the lower category shall be on the basis of merit & ability. Seniority shall be considered only when merit & abilities are equal.
The Selection Committee interviews the candidates & makes their recommendations in order of merit. The selection committee may reject all the candidates, if they are found not suitable.
Selection Committee may adopt suitable procedure of selection of candidates & it is not open to questioning. It is prerogative of the appointing authority either to appoint or reject the selection list. All appointments to the posts under the Institute shall be approved by the Council.
Scales Of Pay
Scales of pay and allowances & other financial benefits for various categories of staff shall be decided by the Director / Principal & ratified by the Governing Body. Generally ad-hoc appointments & contract appointments are on consolidated pay. However ad-hoc/ probationary appointment of teaching staff can be on scale of pay depending on the need.
Appointing Authority
All appointments are made by the Director/ Deputy Director /Principal based on the recommendations of various committees. The recommendations of appointments are submitted to Governing Body for information & approval. No selected candidates shall have right or claim for the appointment merely on the basis that he has been selected.
All directly recruited & regularly appointed staff shall be on a probation period of six months/ one year. Staff members who are promoted from lower cadres shall be on probation for one year. Satisfactory completion of probation by each employee will be ratified by the Governing Body. An employee is deemed to have completed probation satisfactorily only if he receives a communication in this regard. Simple completion of said period cannot be taken for granted as completed satisfactorily. The probation period can be extended by the Director / Deputy Director / Principal & referred to the Executive / Academic Council for regularization and the same shall be ratified by the Governing Body. Declaration of probation does not confer on the employee any special right of permanence to continue in the post.
Seniority of an employee in a post shall be determined by the date of commencement of probation in that post. If more people are selected for appointment in the same panel the order of merit as recommended by the concerned Selection Committee in the said panel will be the order of seniority among them.
Resignation & Relief; termination; transfer:
Teaching Staff who completed Probation. | : | 01 month notice or 01 month salary in lieu ofsuch notice. |
Non-Teaching Staff who completed probation & Teaching Staff on ad-hoc basis or contract basis or on probation. | : | 01 month notice or 01 month salary in lieu ofsuch notice. |
Non-Teaching Staff on ad-hoc basis or contract basis. | : | 15 days’ notice or 15 days salary in lieu of such notice. |
Resignation & Relief: The following procedure shall be adopted for employees to resign from the post they are holding.In case applications are seeking employment/ higher education are submitted through the management they may prescribe suitable conditions for relieving the employees as & when the employee is selected so that there shall not be inconvenience to the Academic Programme in the college.
Termination: The appointing authority shall have the power to terminate the services of a member of the staff by giving one month notice or salary in lieu of, in case he/she is found to be physically or mentally unfit for service or on the grounds of retrenchment.
Transfers: Teaching/ Non-Teaching staff recruited for the College may be transferred to other Colleges or institutions or organizations run by Tungabhadra Education Health & Rural Development Trust (R), Ballari with no reduction in total emoluments.
Conduct Rules
Every employee shall be governed by these rules & is liable for consequences in the event of any breach of rules by him/her.
Every employee at all times, maintains integrity, be devoted to his duty & also be honest & impartial in his/her official dealings. An employee shall at all-time be courteous & polite in his / her dealing with the Management, with other members of the public. He shall exhibit utmost loyalty & shall, always, act in the interests of the college.
An employee shall be required to observe the scheduled hours of working during which he / she must be present at the place of his/her work. No employee shall be absent from duty without prior permission. Even during leave or vacation, no employee shall leave head – quarters except with the prior permission of proper authority. Whenever leaving station, an employee shall inform the Director/ Deputy Director / Principal / Vice-Principal in writing through the respective HOD or the Principal Directly if he happens to be HOD, the address at which he/she would be available during the period of his/her absence from the head-quarters.
No employee shall make any statement, publish or write through any media which will effect of an adverse criticism of any policy or action of the college or detrimental to the interests of the college.
An employee against whom Criminal Proceedings are initiated in a court of Law shall immediately inform to competent authority of the college regarding the details thereof.
Whenever an employee wishes to put forth any claim or seeks redressal of any grievance, he/she must forward his/her case in writing through proper channel to the Director / Deputy Director / Management and shall not forward any such advance copies of his/her application to any higher authorities.
An employee who commits any offence or dereliction of duty or does an act detrimental to the interests of the college is subjected to an enquiry & punishment by the competent authority as indicated in Clause 12. However, any employee aggrieved with the decision of the competent authority may appeal against such punishment or decision within 15 days of the receipt of the orders of the decision to the appellate authority as indicated therein, & the decision of the appellate authority thereon, is final & binding on the employee.
No employee shall engage in strike or incitements thereto or similar activities such as absence from work or neglect of duties or participate in hunger strike etc., Violation of this rule will amount to misconduct & attract deterrent punishment including termination.
Disciplinary Action
SN. | Nature of Punishment. | Competent Authority to impose. | Appellate Authority. |
1 | Censure | Principal | Executive / Academic Council |
2 | Withholding of increment or promotion or effecting reduction in rank. | Principal | Governing Body |
3 | Recovery from his/ her salary whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the college due to negligence of duty of breach or orders. | Principal | Governing Body |
4 | Removal or dismissal from service | Principal | Governing Body |
a) All employees are liable for disciplinary action for disobedience misconduct & dereliction/ negligence of duty. However, such disciplinary action shall be taken after establishing the grounds on which the disciplinary action shall be taken after establishing the grounds on which the disciplinary action is initiated & after a fair opportunity has been provided to the employee to defend himself.
b) Disciplinary action may be taken by imposing one or more of the following types of punishments & the following are the competent authorities to impose & appellate authorities to impose & appellate authorities each type.
c) Grievance Committee: In case, any grievance by employee, the employee can approach the Grievance Committee, which consists of Senior Professor as Chairman, one lady member and an outside advocate. The recommendations of the Grievance Committee will be discussed in the Executive / Academic Council and the same is forward to the Governing Body for a final order.No employee shall attempt to seek in a court of law a decision on grievances arising out of his/her conditions of service without first exhausting the normal official channels of redress.
Code Of Conduct For Students
The Traveling and daily allowance rules are framed to ensure that an employee is able to perform his / her duties at the outstation effectively. The TA/DA shall be regulated in accordance with TA / DA rules laid down here amended from time to time.
- These rules be called T.A rules & shall apply to employees of the institutions under the control of Tungabhadra Education Health & Rural Development Trust (R), Ballari.
- An employee, which called upon to travel on work of the college or when otherwise permitted will be entitled to draw traveling expenses in accordance with the Schedule of Allowance in Force from Time to Time.
- All journeys must be got approved by the Director/ Principal / Vice-Principal in writing. If, however, time does not permit written permission in advance it shall be done immediately on return from tour/temporary duty but in such cases verbal permission need to be obtained.
- Journey should always be undertaken by the cheapest & the shortest, route unless otherwise sanctioned.
- Return or confessional tickets, when cheaper than two single journey fares should be purchased whenever available, if the conditions of the tour permit.
- Employee is eligible for re-imbursement of actual travel expenditure subject to the limitations mentioned in Para (7). If the employee travels by a class other than the minimum available in train, they have to invariably mention the ticket no., date etc., in T.A Bill form.
- The following is the schedule of rail & bus fares permissible & also daily allowance payable per day where any employee is on tour. The employees are divided into various categories as per details given below. Daily allowance shall cover boarding, lodging & other expenses except local conveyance, incidentals like telephone, telegram, postage etc.
- The following should be taken into consideration while claiming D.A. Daily allowance shall be calculated for a place from the time the employee reaches the place till he/she leaves as under. i) Stay of every 24 hours shall be treated as one full day. However, stay butbelow 24 hours shall be treated as one day.
- A reasonable local conveyance actually incurred & incidentals like portage etc., will be reimbursed. Employees in category B & C by auto rickshaws. 10. Where journey is undertaken by road, actual by road actual of Super Express/Deluxe (Non-AC) bus fares would be reimbursed.
- During the journey actual expenses can be claimed not exceeding 50% of the D.A. application to the destination of travel where the journey duration exceeds 12 hours but less than 24 hours. 12. All TA bills must be submitted on the prescribed form as early as possible at the latest within 03 days after completion of the tour, but before undertaking another journey, otherwise advance, if any granted against TA will be adjusted from the salary next payable.
Leave Rules
i) General
- These rules apply to all employees of BITM.
- They are deemed to have come into effect from the date the class work is inaugurated in the respective colleges.
- Leaves account of each employee is maintained separately by the Principal of the respective institute.
- Unauthorized absence from duty not only results in cut in the emoluments for the period but also as misbehavior inviting disciplinary action.
- An employee on leave cannot take up any service or accept any other employment or remuneration.
- Application for leave on Medical ground shall be accompanied by a Medical Certificate by a Registered Medical Practitioner.
- Any employee on leave or on vacation can be called back to duty in case of exigencies.
ii) All leaves can be availed only after due sanction by the sanctioning authority. Only in respect of casual leave applied due to sudden illness or such other emergency it can be availed before sanction. As far as possible it is obligatory to the employee to the employee to inform the sanctioning authority about his Av ailment or casual leave.
iii) Various types of leaves, eligibility & other conditions are laid down in the table given.
b) Leave Entitlements.
In probation period, an employee is eligible for 8 casual leaves per year. EL and maternity leave are not applicable.
All confirmed employees are eligible for 15 days casual leaves, 10 earned leaves for vacational staff and 30 days for non-vocational staff.
Earned Leave Encashment is not provided to all the employees
Employees appointed on adhoc, contract basis, consolidated pay are not eligible for the Casual Leave/Maternity Leave/Earned Leave/Study Leave.
Declared public holiday
Public holidays are declared as per government body. Any holiday declared by the institution is based on local factors is extended to everybody.
c) Rules applicable for different Types of Leaves / Holidays:
These leave are granted for certain unforeseen situation or were you are require to go for one or two days leaves. In case ofcasual leave normally it is restricted to a maximum of 3 days in a month. In these case either the person has to take the permission in, normally this leave is not encashable or never carried forward. Casual leave requires advance sanction. The employee has to make alternate arrangements for his / her work.
Maternity leave may be granted to a woman employee with less than two surviving children, on full pay for a period of60 days from the date of its commencement. The leave salary will be equal to pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.
Earned Leave is calculated on a month basis for the calendar year. Earned Leave is credited in the beginning of CalendarYear to every employee’s account, but the entitlement will be proportional to the number of months worked. For every 36 days of service one day Earned leave will be credited to the employee’s entitlement. Earned leave is not encashable, only it is accumulated.
Any holiday during leave is considered as part of the leave.
Any unauthorized absence is considered as loss of pay.
Any teaching employee has to clock a minimum of 7 hrs. 15 min per day, failing which will result in half day leave. Al teaching employees who come after 9.10 am will be considered as halfday leave. The employees who leave before 4.15 pm is considered as half day leave.
Any Non-Teaching employee (Non-Academic) has to clock a minimum of 8 hrs. per day, failing which will result in half day leave. All non-teaching employees who come after 9.40 am will be considered as half day leave. The employees who leave before 5.30 pm is considered as half day leave.
Note: Any employee who come late regularly (twice in a week) will result in deduction of a leave.
Any leave availed during notice period will be considered as deduction in leave, on exhaustion of leaves it will be considered as LOP.
- Compensatory Offs: Any employee who works on public holiday or declared holiday are eligible for compensatory off.
- Study Leave (SL) or Leave without Pay (LWP)/ Loss of Pay (LOP). LWP/SL: This leave is extended to the employees who are pursuing higher studies on expiry of entitled leaves. LOP: This leave is deduction pay as per the direction of higher authorities.
- Holiday during Leave without Pay duration.This holiday is part of LWP.
V) Travelling Allowance Bill
Work Week: Monday To Saturday
- Academic Staff: 9.00 am to 4.15 pm (Lunch: 12.00 to 1.15pm)
- Administrative Staff: 9.30 am to 5.30 pm (Lunch: 2.00 to 3.00pm)
Note: In case of unplanned Holiday in the working week, the college will compensate on a suitable Sunday.
Employee ID number is provided to each and every employee.
ID should be owned by all the staff during college working hours and should not be concealed. ID card should be carried to all the official conference, workshops, meetings and all official duties.
Every employee should record the attendance by biometric system and also in the register provided at the department.
The Attendance is considered from the first day of the month to the last day of the month.
- Male faculty should be dressed in formals with formal shoes.
- Monday to Friday formals and Saturday casuals.
- Female faculty should be dressed in Sarees / Salwars.
Note: At the time of official inspections, male faculty should be formals and female faculty should be in sarees & any college official college programmes irrespective of the weekend
- All employees should update their personal information with the Establishment Section (HR).
- New employees should submit all personal information at the time of joining. Note: Regular updates of personal information should be done with the HR.
All the employees should provide accurate information; any violation or wrong data will result in serious action.
Based on the Severity the following action will be taken as per the following levels:
- Memo by the disciplinary committee/management
- Suspension with a Loss of Pay for the Entire Month
- Withheld of increment/Promotion
- Termination from service
Any employee involved in violent behaviour, such as; physical harassment, usage of foul language to any of the stakeholders will result in severe action.
Based on the Severity the following action will be taken as per the following levels:
- Memo by the disciplinary committee/management
- Suspension with a Loss of Pay for the Entire Month
- Withheld of increment/Promotion
- Termination from service
Any employee involved in gambling both online and offline or consumption of alcohol or drugs at work place will be charged Level-4 misconduct as above, as recommended by Disciplinary Committee. Note: Smoking in the public place is strictly prohibited.
Any employee loses any of the facilities provided by the college such as Lap Top, PCs, electronic gadgets or any other equipment he/she has to reimburse or replace the lost item
Any damage of the items provided by the college the employee should replace / repair the same.
Note: Any loss/theft of personal things college authorities is not responsible.
Employment Related
All directly recruited & regularly appointed staff shall be on a probation period of 01 year.
Satisfactory completion of probation by each employee will be ratified by the Governing Body. An employee is deemed to have completed probation satisfactorily only if he receives a confirmation communication in this regard based on the performance such as Results, feedback, behavior & other contributions to the department.
Extension of probation period
The probation period can be extended by the Director / Principal if an employee has a satisfactory performance & referred to the Executive / Academic Council for regularization and the same shall be ratified by the Governing Body.
Outside Employment / Personal Business
Any employee involved in outside business / employment will not be entertained. If at all involved, they should provide information to the establishment section and should not use any of the college facilities or resources in their outside employment and personal business.
Performance Appraisal Process
The appraisal cycle starts from 1st Aug. of every year to 31st July of subsequent year. The immediate Supervisor or HOD will appraise the staff twice in a year once in a semester.
Based on goals and objectives of the employee, the appraisal is carried out. Only onthe fulfillment of goals and objectives necessary emoluments are provided.
Salary Compensation & Retrial’s
- Grade Structure at Ballari Institute of Technology & Management.
- Salary Components
- AllowanceThe necessary allowance is extended for the extra responsibility that is covered as per the discretion of the management
- Retrial’s or Deferred Benefits
- The Retirement age is 58 years.
- If the management wants the retired employee to work as an honorarium, service may be extended.
- Retrial’s is entitled for the benefits such as; Gratuity and PF as per the norms.
Travel & Relocation Policy
a) Intra City Travel (Local Travel).
- All the employees for any official work can use the college vehicle.
- If employees use their personal vehicle, fuel reimbursement will be provided or maximum of Rs.150/- including DA will be provided.
b) Intercity Travel (outstation Travel).
- All the employees are entitled for intercity travel for official duty.
c) Travel Entitlement
Note: Travel entitlement as per the grade.
Designation | Mode of travel | |
Asst. Prof. | by train, Sleeper Class will be reimbursed, | |
Non–Teaching / Administrative Staff | by bus, Deluxe non-AC fare will be reimbursed. | |
Asso. Prof. | by train, 3 tier AC will be reimbursed, by bus, Sleeper AC fare will be reimbursed. | |
Prof. & Principal | by train, 2 tier AC will be reimbursed, by bus, Sleeper AC fare will be reimbursed. | |
Director/ Administrative | by train, I Class AC will be reimbursed, | |
Officer | by bus, Sleeper AC fare will be reimbursed. by Flight, Economy Class will be reimbursed. |
d) Boarding Expenses:
- Any boarding expenses above Rs.100/- should be provided with bills.
- Boarding Expenses: Asst. Prof. / Non-Teaching / Administrative Staff – Rs.250/-, Asso. Prof. – Rs.250/-, Professor / Principal / Vice Principal / AO – Rs.500/- per day will be provided.
- Note: DA will be Rs.250/- for Tier-1 City and Rs.150/- for Tier-2 City
e) Lodging
All the employees can avail the facilities of lodging per day as shown below
Note: Subjected to production of bill, in case of non-availability, as per the table higher lodging fare can be considered.
Designation | Tier-1 City | Tier-2 City |
Asst. Prof. / Non-Teaching / Administrative staff | Rs.750/- | Rs.500/- |
Asso. Prof. | Rs.900/- to Rs.1000/- | Rs.750/- |
Professor / Principal / Vice Principal / AO | Rs.1500/- | Rs.1000/- |
f) Own Arrangements
Employees who make their own arrangements for official duty the expenses incurredw.r.t. transportation, fuel expenses will be reimbursed against the bill.
g) Local travel Entitlement / Incidental Expenses
A reasonable local conveyance actually incurred & incidentals like postage etc., will be reimbursed. Employees travelling by auto rickshaws/local transport for official duty the charges will be reimbursed.
Health Care & Safety policy
The Employees are requested to carry out regular checkup of their health for their well-being. Itis the duty ofthe employee to take all the necessary care & safety measures during the working time and any mishap the college is not responsible.
Employee Responsibilities
The faculty members must be punctual to duty
He / She shall stay within the campus during the working hours of the College
He / She shall discharge the responsibilities assigned in teaching / research / consultancy and administrative diligently in honest and un-biased manner with total commitment
The faculty members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and co-operative manner; The faculty shall not indulge in rude or abusive behavior, comment against superiors, make negative comments about other staff members, verbal attacks, which are of a personal, threatening, abusive and irrelevant nature or go beyond fair and professional conduct
Take precautions to protect equipment, materials and facilities of the college
Attend and participate in the meetings, activities called / assigned by the HOD, Dean, Coordinators, Vice Principal, Principal and Management
To take up other duties and responsibilities prescribed by the Principal / Management not limited to Academic and Evaluation duties
To undertake Research / Consultancy Activities constantly in addition to teaching particularly atthe level of Professor and Associate Professor.
They are required to conform to & follow the rules & regulations in force and brought in force from time to time
He / She shall not engage/take private tuitions
He / She shall wear a decent and formal dress
He / She shall finish the evaluation work of Continuous internal evaluation (CIE) and Semester End Examinations (SEE) assigned by the university on priority without causing any inconvenience to the evaluation process.
He / She shall not accept / proceed to undertake any duties/works outside the college without prior approval of the authorities concerned namely HOD, Principal & Management.
Whenever a faculty is deputed / permitted to take up an assignment outside the college, the concerned should submit proof of attendance and the same should be recorded in the department.
The staff shall maintain confidentiality. They shall not give or pass any information to any inside/outside persons, unless and until the employee has been authorized to do so.
To be available for the students even after class hours to clarify their doubts, if any
To treat students with respect, and teach them to treat others with respect
To come well prepared for the class and stay focused on the topic/content.
Be present in classroom right in time near the classroom five minutes prior to the scheduled commencement
To maintain the record of lesson plans and other relevant documents of the courses handled by them
To implement designated curriculum with the said objectives
Shall not pre-pone, post-pone, and let-off or suspend a scheduled class without authorization from the concerned HOD/Principal
Shall handle the assigned practical classes and be available in the designated place for the full time
To evaluate the test answer books within the stipulated time of academic calendar and make the scheme of evaluation transparent
Involve visual and activity based learning wherever possible, make power point presentations (PPT) in addition to conventional use of black board depending on the subject & necessity
As a proctor, the faculty shall advise / counsel the student on all the academic matters (like registration / re-registration for the courses, dropping of courses and / or withdrawing from courses)
The staff shall desist from getting involved in un-authorized activities with personal financial benefit / interest
The staff shall desist from participating in professional or personal behaviors that jeopardize the moral standards of the institution
The staff members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, cooperative and ethical manner
The staff shall comply with rules, regulations, and policies of Management from time to time
Training & Awareness
The College rules & policy is highlighted to the new employee through the ISO induction process. The employee is taken through the history & rules and regulation of the college. The Employee handbook is also circulated.
All newly faculty members will be trained by the respective department heads in preparation of lesson plan & the department roles & responsibilities.
Any training recommended by the HOD / Management the faculty should participate with whole heartedness & the same to be dissipated to the department colleagues & the students.
The Staff should continuously upgrade their knowledge by participating in different workshops, seminars & also take part in research activities. The Increments will be purely be provided based on the continuous Upgradation of the employees.
Hospitalization policy
Any Employee hospitalized during the working of the institution his Casual leaves/Earned Leaves will be adjusted & on exhaustion of CL/EL it will be considered as Leave without Pay (LWP)
Policy on Usage of IT Resources
Email Usage Policy: All the e-mails should be addressed in a respectful way and should contain only academic related matters and attachments and should not be used for any of the harming the reputation of the institution.
IT Usage Policy: All the IT resources provided by the Institution should be used in respectful way and should contain only academic related matters and should not be used for any of the which results in harming the reputation of the institution.
All the Hardware’s IT resource such as Lap Tops & auxiliary IT resources provided should be brought to the institution regularly and not kept at home for personal use.
Note: All employees should use official email ID provided by college for official communication.
Disciplinary Policy
Any Employee in violation of the attendance rules / Continuous Low Performance, the below action will be taken as depicted below:
Based on the Severity, the following action will be taken as per the following levels:
- Verbal warning- Reprimand
- Memo by disciplinary committee / management
- Withheld of increment / promotion. Level 4 – Termination from service
Policy on Sexual Harassment
The Sexual Harassment Act has been enacted with the objective of providing women protection against sexual harassment at the workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is considered as a violation of the fundamental right of a woman to equality as guaranteed under Articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution of India ("Constitution") and her right to life and to live with dignity as per Article 21 of the Constitution. It has also been considered as a violation of a right to practice or to carry out any occupation, trade or business under Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution, which includes a right to a safe environment free from harassment.
The definition of sexual harassment in the Sexual Harassment Act is in line with the Supreme Court's definition in the Vishaka Judgment and includes any unwelcome sexually determined behaviour (whether directly or by implication) such as physical contact and advances, demand or request for sexual favours, sexually coloured remarks, showing pornography, or any other unwelcome physical verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
The Sexual Harassment Act stipulates that a woman shall not be subjected to sexual harassment at any workplace. Asper the statute, presence or occurrence of circumstances of implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment in employment; threat of detrimental treatment in employment; threat about presentor future employment; interference with work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment; or humiliating treatment likely to affect the lady employee's health or safety may amount to sexual harassment.

Any employee found guilty by the committee members will be charged with Level 4 punishment resulting in Termination of Service.
Any employee falsely implicates any other employee as reviewed by the committee members will be charged with Level 4 punishment resulting in Termination of Service.
Grievance Redressal Process
- Step I: To be Expressed to Immediate Supervisor / Manager.
- Step II: To be Expressed to Departmental Head.
- Step III: To be Expressed to Principal / Vice-Principal
- Step IV: To be Expressed to Deputy Director / Director.
After the retirement age the management / Governing body can extend the service on mutual agreed terms.
Resignation during regular class work will not be considered & will be accepted with a 1 month notice prior to 1 month closure of the academic activity of a particular semester.
Any Resignation placed during the vacation the employee has to reimburse salary to the equivalent days of vacation availed to the college HR section.
Any employee abandoning the job will be terminated without any remittance and benefits immediately.
An employee will be terminated without any remittance and benefits immediately for the Level 4 misconduct as stated.
An employee will be terminated by the management in case of Non Performance on Non-Compliance with the performance indicators such as Results/Feedback etc., with a 1 month salary.
All employee should fill the exit interview form and submit the same to Director / Dy. Director
All employees are extended with the statutory benefit and the same will be handed over to the intended family members.
All the employees should get NOC form filled for full and final settlement as per the format.
Any benefit that is part to the employees after resignation, the authority can recover, if found any discrepancy.