Overview of the Club

Vision: To be a vibrant technical hub fostering innovation and knowledge sharing in the exciting domains of IoT and Embedded Systems.

The IoT and Embedded Systems Club is a faculty-driven student-run forum that promotes interest and knowledge in IoT and embedded systems. It is open to all students, regardless of their year of study. The club's activities and events are designed to help students learn about the latest IoT and embedded systems technologies, develop their skills, and network with other students and professionals in the field. The club also provides opportunities for students to participate in research projects and competitions.

The club can help students become more competitive in the job market. In addition, the club can also help to build a strong community of students and professionals who are interested in IoT and embedded systems. This community can provide support and resources to students and professionals alike and can help to promote innovation in the field.

Objective of the Club

  • To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of IoT and Embedded Systems concepts through hands-on workshops, seminars, and project-based learning for skill development.
  • To provide a platform for students to collaborate with faculty and industry experts on real-world IoT and Embedded Systems applications.
  • To encourage research and development activities in the field and participate in Hackathons and competitions, leading to publications, patents, and contributions to the global community.
  • To foster creativity and entrepreneurial spirit by incubating student-led startups in the IoT and Embedded Systems domain.
19/12/2024 to 21/12/2024

Student Skill development program on “Exploring IoT Ecosystems: A Practical Approach”


Mini-Projects Initiative


A Technical Talk on "Exploring IoT and Embedded Systems”

Club Coordinators /Staff In charge
Sr. No. Name Of The Club Coordinators
1 Dr.Prabhakar K
2 Mr.Manjunath G
3 Mr.Sagara T V
4 Mrs. Shilpa K R
5 Mrs. Swetha N
6 Ms. Harshitha K R
Club Mentor
Sr. No. Name
1 Mr. Raymond Irudayaraj
Name Of The Student Members
Sr. No. Name
1 Ms. Aishwarya K
2 Ms. P Divya
3 Ms. G S Deepika
4 Mr. M Mahesh Babu
5 Mr. Tanish
6 Ms. H Swathi
7 Ms. Shabana Azmeen
8 Ms.Anuja