The Gender Sensitization Plan of Ballari Institute of Technology & Management, Ballari, is formulated based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The broad areas include: Good Health & Well-being, Quality Education, Decent Work & Economic Growth, Clean Water & Sanitation, Reduced Inequalities, Leadership Development, Peace, Justice, Strong Institutions, as well as Awareness of Sexual Harassment Prevention.

Action Plan for 2024-25

Sl.No Strategic Initiative Target Participants Action Plan
1. Health and Hygiene Students and Staff Interactive sessions with invited Doctor & Nutritionist on Health, Nutrition and Personal Hygiene for a healthy life.
2. Gender Sensitization Students Awareness and interactive sessions with invited experts on equity & equality at workplace.
3. Self Defence Students Training Girls on Self Defence
4. Entrepreneurship Opportunities Students Talk on Women Entrepreneurship through BRICS (BITM Startups Centre)
5. Women in Engineering Students Talk from Successful Women Engineers through IEEE Women in Engineering student chapter.
6. Infrastructure and supporting facilities for gender equality and security Students Repair & Installation of Napkin dispenser & incinerator.
7. Celebrations of International Women’s Day Students & Staff Talk by our Women Staff based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Honour Women Achievers & organizations of Team Games.
8 Awareness on Sexual Harassment Prevention Students & Ladies Staff To create a safe and respectful environment for students and Ladies staff, we will focus on education, awareness and support through seminars.