The office of Controller of Examinations (CoE) in Ballari Institute of Technology (BITM) visualizes the need for radical reforms in traditional examination and assessment system.

It is working towards evolving a credible, valid, and effective evaluation system that responds confidently to the challenges and newer demands of a knowledge society. It is an autonomous body and endowed with well-defined responsibilities.
It is equipped with adequate authority to conduct fair and timely examinations (as per the Academic Calendar of the College) for the UG and PG Courses. It has been articulated to supervise the examination & evaluation process, which is headed by the CoE. He discharges his duties under the directions of the Principal.

The conduct of examinations in the Autonomous System is an important academic activity to bring out the student’s performance.

In this context, the office of the CoE plays a key role in the evaluation process. CoE along with his office staff meticulously monitor the performance of students by giving suitable guidelines to various departments in the institution from time to time at each and every stage in the evaluation process including Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE), Semester End Examinations (SEE), Make-up Examinations and Fast track semester (FTS) Examinations.
CoE reviews the examination pattern making periodical changes and sets guidelines for the conduct of examination and evaluation from time to time and ensures strict adherence of guidelines by the faculty members. CoE is responsible for making all arrangements necessary for holding examinations and declaration of results.
The Examination section mainly deals with the conduct of examinations, declaration of the results and issuance of Certificates such as Semester Grade Cards, Duplicate Grade Cards, Consolidated Grade Cards, Transcripts, Provisional Degree Certificate (PDC) and other exam related certificates. The examination work is divided in to three segments namely Pre-Examination work, Examinations & Preparation of Results and Post Examination work on functional basis for the purpose of simplification, smooth and easier functioning.
- To conduct CIE and SEE as per the university calendar and norms.
- To inform CIE and SEE dates to all the necessary stakeholders.
- To inform the students and staff members for filing the examination application form.
- To maintain the necessary security and decorum of the examination process.
- To submit the CIE Marks to the parent interaction cell for communication to the parents.
Responsible for ensuring the smooth conduct of examinations in accordance with university norms.
Responsible for allocating exam duties and making necessary infrastructure arrangements for the examination process.
Responsible for informing students to submit examination application forms, allocating examination duties, and communicating necessary information to the university.
To succeed the expectations of all stakeholders in accomplishing the assessment and evaluation.
- To outline and implement appropriate measures for various mechanisms involved with accountability.
- To avail the resources as per the expertise of an entity and uphold quality & sensible standard in the assessment
- To ensure that students participate in assessment process passionately.
Structure of Board of Examinations

Organization Structure - Office of the Controller of Examination

Dr. Raghavendra Joshi
Professor & Controller of Examinations
Dr. D. Shaik Meera
Professor & Dy. Controller of Examinations
Dr. Tanu H. M.
Asst. Professor & Dy. Controller of Examinations
Sri. P . Amareshayya
Administrative Officer
Constitution of Board of Examinations (BoE)
- The Principal appoints the Chairperson of the BoE based on the recommendations of the BoS & CoE.
- The HOD of the concerned department shall be the Chairperson of the respective BoE in general.
- In the case of departments coming under a cluster, the Principal shall appoint the Chairperson of the BoE for the cluster / department based on the recommendations of the BoS & CoE.
- The Chairperson of the respective BoE shall constitute the BoE and submit the same to the BOS for approval / recommendations and forwarding to the CoE. The CoE in turn shall submit the same with his / her recommendations to the Principal, for consideration & final approval.
- The CoE shall notify the constitution of the BoE for information of all the concerned.
- Faculty who has blood relatives pursuing studies in the college shall inform the same to the Principal through the CoE and abstain from becoming the member of the BoE.
Pre-Examination Work
Primarily the first phase is associated with preparation of schedule Examinations, formulating the list of Paper-setters, Panel of Examiners, External Reviewers, Appointment of Chief Co-ordinator, Co-ordinators and Sub-ordinates, Appointment of Squad, Preparation of Examinations, Events of all the Examinations (Time-Table), fixing of venue of Semester End Examinations, seating arrangements of students, making all arrangements for conduct of examinations etc. with the directions of Principal.
Examination and Preparation of Results
- The second phase is mainly related to appointment of Deputy Chief Superintendents, Room Superintendents, Relieving Room Superintendents, and non-teaching staff like water boys, attenders etc.
- To make arrangement to collect the answer-books and to send it to the venue of the evaluation center
- To receive the report of the Malpractice (Unfair means) cases from the room invigilators and vigilance squad.
- To receive the practical examinations marks-lists from the concerned Examiners
- To carry out the work of assessment of answer-books
- To process the result on computers
- To declare the results of various examinations
- To send the result sheets etc. to the department concerned.
Post Examination work
- After the declaration of the results, will receive the appeal redressal forms from the students and to make the arrangement for appeal redressal of answer books and to send the result of appeal redressal results to the department / students.
- To make the arrangement for printing and distribution of grade cards, Issue duplicate grade cards, transcripts, Rank Certificates, consolidated grade cards and etc.
- To deal with the cases of Examination Malpractices (Unfair means), lapses on the part of the students and staffs
- To issue revised grade cards on the basis of change in appeal redressal etc.
- To make available the statistical / other examination information to the Principal’s office, Academic Council and Governing Body of the college as and when required.
- The organizational structure of the Examination section is depicted in Figure 1 in the form of flow chart. It gives a picture of personnel with designation and as well hierarchy involved in carrying out the activities in the office of CoE. The principal shall be the chief controller of Examinations. The conduction of theory examinations and valuation work to till the declaration of results shall be accomplished by CoE under his/her directions in the autonomous institute. The CoE is assisted by one Deputy Controller of examinations (Dy. CoE). He / She shall discharge his /her duties in the absence of CoE apart from assisting in day to day activities scheduled in the office of Controller of Examinations. Some of the responsibilities of Dy. CoE are as follows
- Planning, scheduling and organization of examinations
- Strictly complying with the institutional policies and procedures on the conduct of examinations
- Coordinating with the different departments for conducting examinations
- Managing physical record of results and examination answer books with respective class information
Organization Structure of Examination Section
Examination superintendent will accomplish the work assigned to him under the directions of CoE. He /She shall submit the final list of students programme-wise and Course-wise to the CoE office after receiving the official course registration copy from Dean (Academics). He/she shall consolidate the list of students appearing with details such as USN, Course code, course title and identifies the number of blocks required for examinations to conduct as per the time table after the deadline for the payment of examination fees.
He / She shall prepare the list of any extra office assistants/ IT support required for conducting theory examination, valuation work and as well to till the declaration of results with the concurrence of Administrative Officer and approval of Principal. Office assistants shall responsible to prepare the circulars/ notifications to be communicated to departments and students, to avail exam related information like appointment orders to theory paper setters and practical examinations, examination fee payment work, preparation of Form-A, Form-B, sealing of Main cover and Head slip cover during SEE etc.
IT support staff shall responsible for data entry and tabulation work associated with the examination work. The processing work associated to declare the results and followed by printing of certificates as and when requisitions received from the students. Attendants shall responsible to facilitate all the basic amenities required for the office personnel, reaching out all sections of the college premises to carry/ collect documents mainly hard copy of circulars/notifications.