Programme Level

Under Graduate


4 Years

About the Programme

Program Overview

AI graduates have diverse career options across industries, from building and deploying machine learning models as Machine Learning Engineers to analyzing data patterns as Data Scientists. They can work as Research Scientists, pushing the boundaries of AI innovation, or specialize in fields like Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing to develop image and language-based solutions. Roles like AI Product Manager and AI Consultant combine technical and strategic skills to implement AI-driven products effectively.

BITM University

Opportunities also exist in niche fields, such as AI Ethics, Financial Services, Healthcare, and AIOps, allowing AI professionals to shape responsible, innovative applications. With AI's rapid growth, these careers offer promising pathways with significant impact potential.

The Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) course in CSE(Artificial Engineering) is a 4-year professional undergraduate program. The Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to develop intelligent systems capable of mimicking human cognitive functions. Gain a strong understanding of core computer science concepts like algorithms, data structures, programming languages, software engineering, and computer architecture. The program focuses on practical applications of AI and ML.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who have passed Karnataka 2nd PUC/ 12th Std, / 10+2 / Intermediate or equivalent exam with Physics & Mathematics along with Chemistry/ Computer Science / Biology and any other optional subject with English as one of the languages of study and should have obtained a minimum of 45% marks. For SC/ST & other backward classes of Karnataka students only, the minimum marks is 40% in aggregate in the optional subjects in the qualifying examination, irrespective of marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test / COMED-K/ AIEEE.

Career Options

A degree in Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial intelligence)


Machine Learning Engineer


Data Scientist


AI Research Scientist


AI Product Manager


Organizations and clubs


Computer Vision Engineer


Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer


Robotics Engineer


Business Intelligence Developer


AI Ethics Specialist


Quantitative Analyst


AI Consultant


Full-Stack Developer with AI Expertise





Program Fees


4 Years


CSE-Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • SNQ
  • CET
  • Rs. 46,360/-
  • Rs. 1,22,495/-
  • Rs. 3,070,87/-
  • Rs. 2,65,000/-
Admission Process

Students who have passed Karnataka 2nd PUC / 12th std / 10+2 / Intermediate or equivalent exam with Physics & Mathematics along with Chemistry / Computer Science / Biology and any other optional subject with English as one of the languages of study and should have obtained a minimum of 45% marks.

program details
cse ai and ml

For SC/ST & Other backward classes of Karnataka students only, the minimum marks is 40% in aggregate in the optional subjects in the qualifying examination, irrespective of marks obtained in the Common Entrance Test / COMED-K / AIEEE / any other equivalent entrance examinations. (Eligibility as per the Govt. Norms from time to time).

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)


Accomplish a progressive career by applying fundamental principles and design methodologies of computer science and engineering.


Provide practical solutions to solve problems of industry and society at large.


Exhibit professionalism through managerial skills and develop innovative products.

Program outcomes (POs)

PO 1
Engineering knowledge

Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO 2
Problem analysis

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

sis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using the first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO 3
Design/development of solutions

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO 4
Conduct investigations of complex problems

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO 5
Modern tool usage

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO 6
The engineer and society

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal & cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO 7
Environment and sustainability

Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO 8

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics & responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO 9
Individual and team work

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multi-disciplinary settings

PO 10

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO 11
Project management and finance

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO 12
Life-long learning

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent & life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes


Demonstrate the principles, architecture and organization of computers, embedded systems and computer networks.


To develop software applications using advanced technologies to cater the growing needs of industry.

Program Curriculum 2022 Scheme

Sl No Course code Course Name
1 22MATS11 Mathematics for CSE Stream-I
2 22PHYS12 Physics for CSE stream
3 22POP13 Principles of Programming Using C
4 22ESC14x Engineering Science Course-I
5 22ETC15x Emerging Technology Course-I
22PLC15x Programming Languages Course-I
6 22ENG16 Communicative English
7 22KSK17
Samskrutika Kannada/Balake Kannada
20ICO17 Indian Constitution
8 22IDT18 Innovation and Design Thinking
22SFH18 Scientific Foundations of Health

Sl No Course code Course Name
1 22MATS21 Mathematics for CSE Stream-II
2 22PHYS22 Physics for CSE Stream
3 22POP23 Principles of Programming Using C
4 22ESC24x Engineering Science Course-II
5 22ETC25x Programming Language Course-II
22PLC25x Emerging Technology Course-II
6 22PWS26 Professional Writing Skills in English
7 22KSK27
Samskrutika Kannada/Balake Kannada
20ICO27 Indian Constitution
8 22IDT28 Innovation and Design Thinking
22SFH28 Scientific Foundations of Health

Sl No Course code Course Name
1 22MDA31 Graph theory and Discreet Mathematical Structures
2 22CA32 Digital System Design and Computer Organization
3 22CA33 Operating System
4 22CS34 Data Structures and Applications
5 22CAL35 Data Structures Lab

Object Oriented Programming With JAVA
7 22SC37 Social Connect and Responsibility
8 22CA38X Ability Enhancement Course /

Skill Enhancement Course - III
9 22NS39 National Service Scheme (NSS)
10 22PE39 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)
11 22YO39 Yoga

Sl No Course code Course Name
1 22BB41 Biology for Engineers
2 22CA42 Principles of Artificial Intelligence
3 22CA43 Database Management Systems
4 22CA44 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
5 22CAL45 Algorithms Lab
7 22PSW47 Professional Skills for the Work Place
8 22UH48 Universal human values course
9 22NS49 National Service Scheme (NSS)
10 22PE49 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)
11 22YO49 Yoga

Sl No Course code Course Name
1 22CA51 Software Engineering & Project Management
2 22CA52 Computer Networks
3 22CA53 Machine Learning
4 22CAL54 Machine Learning Lab
5 22CA55X Professional Elective Course
6 22XXMN56 Mini Project
7 22ADA57 Ability Enhancement Course / Skill Development Course
8 22ES58 Environmental Studies
9 22NS59 National Service Scheme (NSS)
10 22PE59 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)
11 22YO59 Yoga

Sl No Course code Course Name
1 22CA61 Cloud Computing with AWS
2 22CA62 Microcontroller & Embedded AI
3 22CA63X Professional Elective Course
4 22CA64X Open Elective Course
5 22XXP65 Project Work – Phase I
6 22CAL66 Embedded AI Lab
7 22RM67 Research Methodology & IPR
8 22NS68 National Service Scheme (NSS)
9 22PE68 Physical Education (PE) (Sports and Athletics)
10 22YO68 Yoga


Admission to Higher Semester:
  • After the announcement of the reopening date of the college, the candidates have to register for admission with an application enclosing all the photos copies of previous semester marks card/s through their department HOD and they have to pay the applicable Tuition Fees / Registration Fees within a week of reopening the institute for class work.
  • The students who fail to register within the first week of re-opening, the student will be charged a penalty
  • The names of the students will be deleted, in case they fail to register as per the schedule
  • Any financial matters are required to be referred to the principal only
  • Once the student is admitted he/she will be under the guidance of the department and all the academic matters should be addressed through the Head of the department only.
  • Students are expected to maintain discipline in the college campus & not to indulge in “Ragging Activities”.


CSE-AI is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field with several compelling reasons for its prominence:

  • Innovation and Advancements: CSE-AI drives innovation by developing intelligent systems capable of learning from data and making decisions. This leads to advancements in various industries and their applications.
  • Problem Solving: CSE-AI provides tools to tackle complex problems that traditional algorithms might struggle to address. This includes image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous systems.
  • Interdisciplinary Applications: CSE-AI intersects with various disciplines, fostering collaborations and interdisciplinary research. It finds applications in fields such as robotics, neuroscience, and bioinformatics.
  • Emerging Technologies: As emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and augmented reality become more prevalent, CSE-AI plays a crucial role in developing intelligent systems that can harness the potential of these technologies.
  • Demand in Industry: There is a growing demand for professionals with expertise in CSE-AI across industries. Companies are leveraging these technologies to gain a competitive edge and improve their operations.