This project is ecofriendly, waste material was used to manufacture the pen and pencils with minimum cost and unskilled labor can operate it.
Member assign in project
Ms. Afra Anjum
Mr. Nagesh M
Mr. Bharath SP
Mr. B Shrikanth
Project Head
Prof. Shivakumar S Y
Development of Automobile brake lining using pulverized cow hooves
Because of its unique physical and chemical characteristics, asbestos has been employed as brake lining in cars for a long time. Its use has decreased although the use of many other materials is expanding since handling it poses a health risk. In this experiment, an asbestos-free brake lining was made using crushed cow hooves, epoxy glue, barium sulphate, graphite, and aluminium oxide.
Member assign in project
Mr. Prasad E
Mr. Abhishek Kumar K
Ms. Usha
Mr. ChandraShekar
Project Head
Prof. Vijay Kumar B P
Generating electricity by Roof top turbo exhaust ventilator
In most of the ware houses turbo exhaust has been implemented which circulates fresh air by rotation this rotational speed can by utilized for power generation
Member assign in project
Mr. Thota Abhishek
Mr. M Pavan
Mr. Venkatesh N
Mr. Y Manoj Kumar
Project Head
Prof. Maharaja Gouda
Fabrication of hybrid Tri E – vehicle
This E-Vehicle is used for transferring goods especially in super markets
Member assign in project
Mr. J Chandra
Mr. Jayanth DM
Mr. K Srikantha
Mr. Shashi Kumara G
Project Head
Prof. Taranath A
Smart Helmet
It's an Innovative idea that a smart helmet has multi functions, vehicle won't start without wearing an helmet and if a person is detected by an alcohol also it sends an information to the registered mobile if any accidents occurs
Member assign in project
Md Saleem
Md Shahama
Md Sohail Raza
Md Yousuf B
Project Head
Prof. Gavi Siddappa P
Waste plastic to plastic bricks
This Idea has been initiated to utilize the scrap plastic and manufacture the bricks which have greater in strength and less dense compared to clay type bricks