The Chemistry department boasts a dynamic, energetic, and highly qualified faculty with extensive experience and professional excellence in both teaching and research. The department fosters innovation by encouraging students to develop creative ideas and translate them into industry-relevant solutions through hands-on, open-ended experiments. Regular seminars and quizzes are conducted to deepen subject understanding while enhancing students' communication skills, preparing them for both academic and professional success.

Department of Engineering chemistry aims to expose the students to the recent developments in theoretical and practical chemistry.
- Department of Engineering Chemistry aims to provide basic theoretical and practical knowledge in chemistry to the students of all branches of Engineering.
SL No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Professor & Head CSE BITM. Ballari |
1 | Dr. Suresh | Chairman | PROF & HOD, CHEMISTRY BITM, BALLARI |
2 | Dr. Veerendra Kumar A K | Member | Associate Professor, CHEMISTRY, BITM, BALLARI |
3 | DR. SHARANAKUMAR T M | Member | Associate Professor, CHEMISTRY, BITM, BALLARI |
4 | Dr. P L Thimmanagoudar | Member | Prof & HOD, Dept. of Chemistry Basaveshwara Engineering College BAGALKOT - 587102 |
5 | Dr. SASHIDHAR REDDY N | Member | Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, SDM College of Engineering, Dharwad |
6 | Mr. K.M. THIRUPATHAYYA, | Member | DGM (QC), M/s. Kalburgi Cements Pvt. Ltd.,Chatrasala (Vil), Chincholli (Tq) Kalburgi |
7 | MR. PRADEEP N.V | Member | Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg. Angadi Engineering College, Belagavi |