Round 1 :- Decrypting
- The first round was a crossword-based round in which different sets were prepared.
- Each set had 7 columns, the answers of which could be found from the 7 provided clues. Once the player got these 7 clues, they found a horizontal final 7-lettered answer.
- The knowledge and the swift thinking of the participants was tested. The participants were then judged based on their time and scores. A total of about 42 participants showed up of which 15 were selected for the next round.

Round 2 :-Venom-Verse
- The top 15 participants from the previous round were selected for this round based on who finished the crossword with the right answer in the set.
- This was a snakes-and-ladders based round. The players will be split into 3 tables of 5 players each. On each table, the 5 players played against each other that resulted in 1 winner per table there was an encoding competition between them in which each participant must solve minimum three of the programs out of 5, and the three winners of each table are further given the top 3 places according to their program presentation and time taken.
- A total of 15 to 17 questions will be displayed on the screen and each group needs to answer the questions given to them . 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer, if the answer is wrong no marks are given.
- Out of 3 groups the group with the highest marks will be declared as the winner.
- Assess participants' knowledge and understanding of C++ programming concepts.
- Reinforce key topics like syntax, OOP principles, and STL through interactive questioning.
- Encourage healthy competition to motivate learning and skill improvement.
- Develop quick problem-solving and analytical thinking abilities.
- Promote engagement and collaborative learning in a fun, challenging environment.