Dr. Girish Kumar D

Professor & HOD



B.E., M.Tech., PhD



Department of Master of Computer Applications


    Completed Ph.D. in Cloud Computing as Specialization area from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi and presently working as a HoD of the Department MCA. His area of interest is Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Block Chain Technology, Network Security and has published more than 16 papers in various International & National Journals. He has won two “Best Paper” award in International Conference (CETSTES) and published 6 Indian Patent Rights.

    Co-curricular activities

    Chairman for BOS & BOE (MCA Board),Coordinator for BOS & BOE for CSE & AIML Department, BITM,KISHKENDA UNIVERSITY MEMBER for board of examination (1st Year BE),KISHKENDA UNIVERSITY MEMBER for BOS (1st Year BCA), Organized FDP's, Organized SPD's, Attended FDP's,

Professional Experience

17 Years

Research Experience

8 Years