After serving the nation for almost four decades she had a vision to give quality education to students of Ballari It was her deep conviction that education needs to be joyful experience that facilitates the growth and transformation of young minds at their impressionable age and fortifies them with the required knowledge and the skills to face the challenges of a competitive world.
Actively Participated in the Politics from the year 1957 and her experience is as below :
Member, Karnataka Legislative Assembly, 1957-72
Deputy Minister, Social Welfare & Minor Irrigation, Karnataka
Member, Karnataka Legislative Council, 1980-83
Member of Parliament 8th, 9th & 10th Lok Sabha from Ballari Constituency from 1984
Union Minister of State for Women & Child Development, 1993-1995.
In the Year 1995, as a Union Minister represented India for "World Women's Conference" at Beijing, China
Participated in SAARC Meeting and travelled & addressed most of the foreign countries
Chairperson, Tungabhadra Education Health & Rural Development Trust(R), Ballari