The program was inaugurated by Dr. Sadyojata KM, the head of the department, by giving a preamble. He introduced what kind of skills they should be proficient in their next three-year journey.Dean of Research and development, Dr. V. C. Patil, mentioned that besides the importance of programming and circuit design skills, the electronics and communication engineering is very special course for students.

Dr. Naseeruddin Asst HOD inaugurated students clubs on Robotics, VLSI, Communication, IOT and Python including IEEE, IETE student Branches along with their vision, mission and activities. The Students we demonstrated by the projects developed by Third and Fourth year students, also they visited and listen to the introduction of different laboratories of the department.The program was anchored by Vaiseshika forum student members, and facilitated by Mr Hemanthakumar, co-convener of Vaisheshika. Many games and cultural activities were organized on this occasion.
- Introduce department staff members, specific laboratories, learning facilities available to the students.
- Create bridge between third year and second year students to promote peer learning and student club activities.